Paramount Packaging Integrated with Reach Packaging 04.12.23

Paramount Packaging Integrated with Reach Packaging 04.12.23

Paramount Packaging has now ceased trading following its acquisition by Reach Group in August 2023 and the completion of the business integration with Reach Packaging on 4th December 2023.  The completion of the integration enables the two businesses to operate as one cohesive unit delivering greater efficiencies and a better service to our customers, with a much greater product range.


All products previously sold by Paramount are now available through Reach Packaging. The Paramount sales team are now part of a larger Reach Packaging sales team, ensuring continuity in the quality of service we provide to former Paramount customers. The integration of Paramount business into Reach means the following changes for former Paramount customers:


  • Customer Service – all general customer queries should be directed to your usual Paramount representative or alternatively to the Reach Customer Service team using the following contact details:

T: 023-885 8107         E:


  • Account number – former Paramount customers should by now have received a new Reach customer account number. If you have not received this, please contact our Customer Service team at the above number.


  • Invoices/Statements/Credit Notes – all products previously supplied by Paramount will now be invoiced by Reach Packaging. All invoice and accounts queries should be emailed to:


  •       Website– the Paramount website has been decommissioned and all products are now available on where you can browse and purchase from a significantly wider range. To purchase online you will need to login using your username and password. Your username is your new 6-digit Account number. To access your password, please email the Reach Customer Service team at or call 023-885 8107.


  • Bank Details – all payments for products previously supplied by Paramount should be made to Reach Packaging using the following bank account details:





Bank Name: 

Account No:

Sort Code:  



Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin 2.



IE13 BOFI 9000 1727 2657 89


Bank of Ireland, Belfast City, BT1 2BA



GB44 BOFI 9021 2732 3158 32



  • Terms & Conditions– all goods supplied are subject to Reach Packaging Terms & Conditions of trade, which are located in the footer of this website or at Please take the time to review these terms and conditions.


If you have any questions on any of these changes, please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Reach Packaging team using the contact details provided above.